Tiger Barb – Barbus Tetrazona – one of my favorite fish

 Hi, Doc Johnson here. With a few words about one of my top five favorite community tank fish. That’s the “Tiger Barb” in any of it’s many colors. 

They have a powder blue, a dark green, an all-black, normal, and even albino which is a delightful golden color. 
My MAIN purpose in this article is to tell you the TWO most important things. 
First: They have to eat practically constantly. If you’re forgetful and miss a day between feedings, it’s probable that your Tiger Barbs won’t last more than a couple months. I keep all my Tiger Barbs on an automatic feeder –  with a tiny pellet food and they do AMAZINGLY.  
Second: In tanks over 25-30 gallons their fin nipping is NOT that big of a deal. Even then, in a ten gallon tank their attentions are usually focused on each other, similar tetras, or anything with long(ish) fins. 
Past these personal musings, I think you’ll like them. Just keep ‘em fed, and keep them in at least “trios” or even five-at-a-time depending on tank size. I my 55 gallon plant tank I have almost 15. 
Now for the “meat and potatoes” of my article on Tiger barbs, barbus tetrazona
If you like this article, there’s a LOT more (more than a thousand) articles at https://drjohnson.com on this and many other topics, written BY A VET and an accomplished aquarist –  NOT written by ChatGPT –  and there’s nothing wrong with ChatGPT as long as it’s proofed by an expert for errors. Thank you. 
Title: Exploring the Fascinating World of Barbus Tetrazona: Natural Range, Habits, and Care
Barbus Tetrazona, commonly known as the Tiger Barb, is a captivating freshwater fish species that has gained popularity among aquarium enthusiasts. With its striking appearance and engaging behavior, the Tiger Barb adds vibrancy and liveliness to any aquatic environment. In this article, we will delve into the natural range of the Tiger Barb, its feeding habits, water quality preferences, aggression levels, suitable tank sizes, and uncover three interesting facts about this remarkable fish.
1. Natural Range:
The Tiger Barb is native to the waters of Southeast Asia, specifically in Indonesia, Malaysia, Sumatra, and Borneo. In these regions, it can be found inhabiting rivers, streams, and ponds with dense vegetation. These habitats are characterized by warm, clear waters, which serve as the ideal environment for the Tiger Barb to thrive.
2. Feeding Habits:
Tiger Barbs are omnivorous, which means they consume both plant matter and small invertebrates. In their natural habitat, they feed on algae, aquatic insects, small crustaceans, and plant material. When kept in an aquarium, a well-balanced diet should consist of high-quality flakes or pellets supplemented with occasional live or frozen foods like brine shrimp or bloodworms.
3. Water Quality Preferences:
Maintaining suitable water conditions is crucial for the health and well-being of Tiger Barbs. They prefer slightly acidic to neutral pH levels ranging from 6.0 to 7.5. The water temperature should be kept between 72°F and 79°F (22°C – 26°C). Tiger Barbs are adaptable and can tolerate a range of water hardness, although slightly soft to moderately hard water is generally preferred.
4. Aggression Levels:
Tiger Barbs are known for their feisty and active nature. They exhibit a hierarchical social structure, and within their own species, they can display aggression, especially if kept in small groups. It is recommended to keep Tiger Barbs in groups of at least six or more to help distribute aggression and prevent individual fish from being singled out. Mixing them with other fast-moving and similarly sized fish can also help reduce aggression.
5. Suitable Tank Size:
Providing ample space is essential when considering Tiger Barbs for your aquarium. A minimum tank size of 20 gallons (75 liters) is recommended for a small group of Tiger Barbs. They are active swimmers and appreciate a well-decorated tank with hiding spots and plenty of swimming space. Dense vegetation and open areas are both appreciated by these lively fish.
Three Interesting Facts:
a) Fin Nipping: Tiger Barbs are notorious for their fin-nipping tendencies, especially if kept in small groups or with slow-moving, long-finned species. Care should be taken when selecting tankmates to avoid fish with delicate fins.
b) Breeding Behavior: Male Tiger Barbs are known for their vibrant coloration and interesting courtship rituals. During breeding, males intensify their colors and chase the females, often leading to elaborate displays of courtship. Proper breeding conditions, such as densely planted tanks and soft water, can encourage successful reproduction.
c) Schooling Behavior: Tiger Barbs are highly social fish that thrive when kept in schools. They exhibit fascinating schooling behavior, swimming together in coordinated movements. Witnessing a group of Tiger Barbs in harmony is a captivating sight that adds to the allure of keeping them in your aquarium.
The Tiger Barb, with its distinctive appearance and captivating behavior, has become a beloved species in the aquarium hobby. Understanding its natural range, feeding habits, water quality preferences, and social behavior is essential for providing the best care. By replicating their natural habitat, maintaining suitable water

Mantis Shrimp As Marine Pets in Thick Acrylic Tanks

Mantis shrimp come in a variety of striking colors, including vibrant shades of green, red, blue, and orange. They have segmented bodies and prominent eyes on stalks, providing them with excellent vision. The size of mantis shrimp varies depending on the species, ranging from a few centimeters to up to 45 centimeters (18 inches) in length.

Mantis shrimps are fascinating creatures known for their remarkable intelligence and unique attributes. They possess highly developed visual systems and complex behaviors, making them captivating pets for enthusiasts. Here are some key aspects of their intelligence and attributes when kept as pets:

1. Visual prowess: Mantis shrimps have one of the most advanced visual systems in the animal kingdom. They possess compound eyes capable of perceiving an extensive range of colors and polarized light. This remarkable vision helps them navigate their surroundings and hunt with precision.

2. Hunting skills: Mantis shrimps are formidable predators. They have powerful claws that can strike with incredible speed and force, capable of breaking through shells and even glass aquarium walls. Their hunting techniques and ability to catch prey make them captivating to observe.

3. Intricate behaviors: Mantis shrimps exhibit various complex behaviors, including burrowing, cleaning their surroundings, and constructing intricate burrows or nests. They can also display social behaviors, such as sharing a burrow with a mate or engaging in courtship rituals.

4. Aquarium setup: Keeping mantis shrimps as pets requires a carefully designed aquarium. They need a suitable environment with appropriate water parameters, hiding places, and substrate to mimic their natural habitat. Proper research and understanding are crucial to ensure their well-being.

5. Individual personalities: Mantis shrimps can display unique personalities and behaviors, which adds to their allure as pets. Some individuals may be more curious and interactive, while others may be more reclusive. Observing and understanding their individual traits can be an enjoyable aspect of keeping them as pets.

It's important to note that mantis shrimps can be challenging to care for due to their specialized needs and potential aggression. They require an experienced and responsible owner who can provide the appropriate care and environment to ensure their welfare.

Because Mantis Shrimp can break the tank they’re kept in, I’d recommend finding a fish tank with extremely thick acrylic. These kinds of tanks are usually custom made. For information about Custom Made Acrylic Tanks at a very reasonable price, you should look at the super thick acrylic tanks they make at Big Fish Custom Acrylic Aquariums.

I got my 55 gallon ‘scrap glass’ acrylic tank for under $300 but I was “johnny on the spot”


4. Lifespan:

The lifespan of mantis shrimp can vary, but most species live for an average of 3 to 5 years. However, with proper care and a suitable environment, some species can live up to 10 years or more.

5. Proper Care and Feeding:

You can read the whole article which is also illustrated at: 

Also check out: 

Zoo Quality Acrylic Tanks and Enclosures That Will Surprise You
Do you think you’d like a great big acrylic tank? Would you want it to be custom made for a particular room or a particular kind of fish? 

Big Fish Custom Acrylic Aquariums makes, installs and sells some of the dream tanks we only wish we could have. I went to their shop in Atlanta and it’s amazing. Full-on professional and they’re building thousand-gallon tanks. 

For the full article with more images, examples, links and their pricing:    


I thought Clarity Plus, Tenecor and the other big names were the way to go, if considering a zoo-quality acrylic enclosure for fish. I found a company here in Georgia that specializes in ‘overbuilt’ indestructible-quality acrylic tanks. 
Big Fish Custom Acrylic Aquariums
The tank I got from them is made with scraps from their major commercial and residential installations. (There are people getting tanks put in their houses and businesses that are thousands of gallons). 
(And thousands of dollars) 
But when “all is said and done” they end up with some “decent sized” acrylic scrap that’s too good to throw away so they sometimes make these smaller tanks. With 1” acrylic in some cases!
This would be AMAZING for a tank to keep a Mantis Shrimp in. Amazing to put an actual Maine Lobster in because of the R-value insulation qualities of really thick acrylic. 
With the quality of the build, the quality of the acrylic and especially the thickness of the acrylic this tank should have cost $1000 but it was under $300 
I’m “next in line” for their next two “Scrap tanks” because I do intend to get a Maine Lobster and in the other tank: A Mantis Shrimp. 
You can visit their web site at: https://bigfishcaa.com
Jhunn@bigfishcaa.com would be your contact at Big Fish Custom Acrylic Aquariums 
1 (800) 123-1234
I got a 50 gallon acrylic tank for a very small amount of money and I’m setting it up as a proper habitat for land hermit crabs, coenobita. I’ll share some pictures of that soon, and also, when I start to set it up, the Lobster habitat and the Mantis Shrimp home.