Why Franchise / Corporate Veterinary Medicine Is a Cause for Concern With Customers
I found a very well written document that impartially describes how Veterinary Medicine is being consolidated under corporate roofs.
And the article is at drjohnson.com and is followed by three additional references which describe the results of polls on the subject, a document on HOW corporatization occurs and summarizes the impacts, and more.
The briefest of summaries basically arrives at the idea that before1960 when Justice Tilzher voted 'yay' in the issue of corporations owning and controlling veterinary practices instead of the doctors – the author arrives at the conclusion that in these practices, veterinary judgment will be on an even fitting with profit motives. And that's AT BEST and did not consider the impact that the newer 'commission-based' pay structures have.
If you still have a chance to visit a private practice WITH A GOOD COMMUNITY REPUTATION –  I encourage you to do so. Having to use a franchise will happen soon enough – whether you prefer it or not. It's inevitable.
We Should Get Socialists to Commit Future Earnings
It would be amazing if, while living in the basement and skating by on peanut butter and jelly – we got the 'generous' and 'free-for-all' liberal think-tank socialists to commit part of their future income to all the various social and global 'causes' they think the US Government Taxpayer should be paying for.
Free college, free healthcare, free whatever.
And watch in amusement as they sign their various 'manifestos' with fingerless knitted gloves reeking of clove oil…..and never think about the ramifications….like they do now.
But then come back later when they've made it. Whether they're just working in a Home Depot, or they founded something like Instagram 
And exercise their own manifesto on them.
My favorite to see, would be watching someone fabulously wealthy – taken down and parted-out and left penniless the way 'rich people hogging all the money' supposedly deserve.
And if these Starbuck's aficionados were non-specific, just put them in a pool of young liberals who actually DO contribute their tax dollars (and LOTS of them) to paying for nonworking people's college, health care and living expenses.) Sort of a Liberal Fund. With “benefactors of yesteryear” who signed manifestos suggesting that everyone should work to pay for others who worked less, and created fewer opportunities for themselves. 
Optimum Aquarium
Kennesaw Ga 

I like the clean of this store
The selection
The rares you can find
Very decent goldfish usually
Lots of marine fish
Very good overall health
Doc Johnson

Of Import to Everyone With a Pet Dog: Canine Endocardiosis from Dental Disease
This article is even going on my fishy sites because it seems like, MOST fishy-pond-owners ALSO have a beloved dog. 
And most people with dogs only get dental-cleanings with extractions for their pet, BECAUSE of rotten breath. Not actually because of the REAL reason you should: 
Older dogs have painful mouths that constantly shed bacteria through the bloodstream and the very air they breathe into their vital organs. A dog getting good dental exercise doesn’t have that problem. Dogs with healthy gums almost-never develop valve disease and eventually: Heart failure. 
The full article is pretty brief, about canine (dog) dental prophylaxis and specifically: WHY YOUR DOG SHOULD HAVE A DENTAL SCALING AS RECOMMENDED BY YOUR VET 
It’s so much more than bad breath. It extends life. 
Here’s the full text: